Boyfriend Whispers Sweet Nothings 5 【Rekken’s ASMR】

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The ultimate goal is a walk-in refrigerator full of pudding.
January was like- a mental health day turned mental health month XD hope you guys aren’t too upset with me… I’ll try to make it up to you by Valentine’s 🙂

Kinks and Links /////

Stream Schedule:
Rekken: 12:30am JST (Technically Sunday morning, but Saturday night)
Yu: 12:30am JST (Technically Monday morning, but Sunday night)
Surprise Gaming Streams at random

(: D O N A T E 🙂 (feed us) – BIGGEST D — Kenboy58
Runner Up — Timothy Gabrielson
3rd — jayster141
4th —Dark_Prince

😀 C O N N E C T 😛

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