ASMR│Brushing Long Hair │Cepillando Cabello Largo ❤️


Hello everyone!

Happy New Year!

My first video for 2018 – and it’s bilingual! Whaat?

Hope you had a nice holiday.

This video was recorded at YouTube Space Toronto. They had a beautiful cabin studio, which was perfect for this video!

I would like to introduce to you my friend, Ounaugh. We had so much fun recording there. Three mics were used for this video: Zoom, 3Dio, and in-ear mics. Unfortunately, there were some issues with the other two, and luckily, I was able to salvage the audio recorded by the in-ear mics. Having said that, I would like to explain that they record a lot of white noise, a lot! I tried to minimize it as much as I could. It may sound loud on some laptops, or too soft. It all depends what you’re using. (I did a lot of testing lol).

I do hope that you like the video. We had a lot of fun recording, and we hope that vibe translates through the screen, and in the words of my friend Ounaugh, that we “whisper you to sleep”.

Thank you,
Somni Rosae ?


¡Hola a todos!

¡Feliz año 2018!

Espero que hayan pasado unas bonitas fiestas.

Les presento mi amiga Ounaugh y tiene un cabello larguisimo y bello, y a quien le cepillo el cabello. Muchos me pidieron otro video cepillando el cabello y esperamos que les guste este video bilingue.

El video fue grabado en YouTube Space Toronto y utilizamos tres microfonos: Zoom, 3Dio y in-ear mics. Sin embargo, tuve unos problemas con los dos microfonos y solo logre grabar sonido con el in-ear mics. Lastimosamente, esos microfonos graban bastante sonido blanco – ¡bastante! Hice todo lo que pude para mejorar el sonido asi que….algunos van a decir que suena muy fuerte, y otros tal vez diran que casi no se escucha. Todo depende a donde lo escuchan – laptop, audifonos, etc.

Por lo menos espero que las imagenes, la accion de cepillar les relaje.

Cuidense mucho,
Somni Rosae ?

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