[ASMR No talking] 20 minutes of intense TONGUE CLICKING!♥ (sound of my intro!) *3Dio*

Hi♥ I’m EL ASMR and today: No talking video of intense Tongue clicking+ some ear tapping and touching 🙂 kisses ✿My No Talking ASMR: ▼LINK: (follow me)↓vai giù ❤My drawing channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcLSOVKgzjHsfG1f9SYNXhw ❤Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/El-Asmr-540606402772215/ ❤Instagram:https://instagram.com/kawaii_elasmr/ ❤Twitter:https://twitter.com/ElAsmr_Ita 🙂 Donation Paypal You can help me with donations to improve my channel equipment and for a new camera, if […]

★ASMR Italiano★Visita medica Binaurale| DOCTOR ROLEPLAY check-up! *3Dio*

Ciao sognatori! Oggi un Doctor ROLEPLAY ASMR in italiano :D, spero vi piaccia ♥ Un bacio ▼LINK: (follow me)↓vai giù ❤Il mio canale di disegno| My drawing channel: ❤Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/El-Asmr-540606402772215/ ❤Instagram:https://instagram.com/kawaii_elasmr/ ❤Twitter:https://twitter.com/ElAsmr_Ita 🙂 Donation Paypal You can help me with donations to improve my channel equipment and for a new camera, if you want to: elvy4ever1994@libero.it […]