Hello everyone! This ASMR video features: Ear to ear soft speaking and whispering, gently brushing your face with a brush and feathers, getting in a blanket fort with me, clock ticking, “face painting” (touching your face with my hands), and smoke from a sage/smudge stick. I was sleepy when I made this, and I made a conscious effort to speak extra softly. I hope you like it! Happy Viewing!
My Patreon page for those interested in helping me make the best/most effective content I can:
For those who need a quick fix:
0:51-9:57 Sage Stick/Smudge Stick Smoke and Blowing in Ears
9:58-16:00 Pocket Watch and Soft Ticking
16:01-20:30 Brushing Your Face With Soft Brush
20:31-27:51 Tickling Your Face With Peacock Feathers
27:52-32:46 “Face Painting” aka Lightly Tracing/Touching Your Face With My Fingers
32:47-36:03 Get In A Blanket Fort With Me!
You can find me elsewhere on the internet:
Blog: http://heatherfeatherasmr.blogspot.com/
Bloopers: http://www.youtube.com/user/FeatherBrainedASMR
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeathFeathASMR
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heathfeathasmr
Instagram: http://instagram.com/heatherfeatherasmr
Paypal account: I love making these videos, so regardless of donations, I will still be doing what I love—that said, any donations are greatly appreciated. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paypal.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fwebscr%3Fcmd%3D_s-xclick%26hosted_button_id%3DCCEB66PBJAYCJ&h=yAQG9J8aK
Microphone I used in this video: Free Space Pro II – Binaural Microphone
Free Space Pro II Binaural Microphone
You’ll find me at PixelWhipt soon!