Drooling.○.That Glass.○. ASMR LOVERS vlogmas / Tapping, Breathing,Whispering Mouth Sounds

Yumi Jimmi ASMR LOVER- asmr lover
yumi jimmi

The beauty of death

Death: Most creatures are naturally wired to avoid it, fear it, hide it. Yet once some time is given to contemplate, reflect and observe the nature of death, there can be seen a vast knowledge available holding an incredibly soft beauty. Not the kind of beauty taught in mainstream media, the kind of beauty taught by mama Nature. The real deal
I have been spending much time observing nature this last month and death has been one of my most beautiful teachers
Mother Nature teaches that The Universe wastes nothing. No particle of energy goes unused. All parts of all expressions are decomposed, digested, recycled and recreated
I’ve been watching so many flowers die. My initial reaction, sprouting from the seeds of my conditioning about death, was sadness. But after spending some time watching the vibrant blossoms die, I started to see the teaching
The life and beauty of a full power blossom that outwardly expresses, pollinates reality with its existence. It’s very existence sheds an imprint upon this creative masterpiece. After full bloom, outward expression ceases and energy begins to draw inward, feeding back into the source, to recalibrate all information learned through experience, before recreation
The beautiful Death of the cycles of our lives, relationships, projects, lovers, phases, desires can be viewed the same. So much beauty expressing for the time of the blossom. And when the blossom has lived it’s full purpose, energies redirect inward, back to source, where they can once again be digested, re-sculpted, and re-expressed.
Things die in this realm, but with a softer focus the genius universal recycling program may be realized
What is needing to die off in your experience. It’s so hard to let things die when we see death as the end and bad. But if it can be remembered that the blossom has served its full purpose, that the universe wastes no energy, and that all of the beautiful intelligent force that concentrated to create this particular expression is not lost, just drawing into source and will be cycling back new, improved, learned, evolved, to express new beauty

gum ~ https://youtu.be/vkZPZXWm84E

~ https://youtu.be/bn4fo5UEBEs

– please let me know if you ever find others using my videos, thank you so much. Jayme

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