Clay Pot Pudding Recipe 土鍋 プリン

Check this sound 02:30 KotoKoto 03:05 Juuuuu 04:21 KasaKasa 04:34 Googooooo 05:09 PutsuPtsuJiriJiri 05:17 PariPari
We created a recipe for making pudding in a donabe earthenware pot so that there will be plenty to go around for families who really love pudding. Depending on the size of the donabe pot and how long you heat it for you can adjust the pudding to just how you like, be it a melt-in-your-mouth or a bubbly pudding. So please adjust the heating time etc., according to how you want your pudding to turn out. Of course, you can eat it after its cooled down, but on a cold winters day freshly baked warm pudding is pretty nice too.

*recipe* (For an 800ml donabe earthenware pot)
1. Thinly line the donabe pot with butter.
2. Put 500ml of milk and 75g of sugar into a heat-resistant bowl. Heat it in the microwave then stir until the sugar dissolves. We set my microwave to the milk setting, 50 degrees Celsius.
3. Lightly beat five eggs, being careful not to make them frothy. Add the milk and sugar from step two and mix together.
4. Strain the mixture into the donabe pot then put the lid on.
5. Heat the donabe on low. When it begins to make a light bubbling noise, usually after around eleven and a half minutes, leave it for a further three minutes then turn the heat off and leave for ten minutes. Turn the heat on low again then when it begins to make a light bubbling noise again, usually after around a minute and a half, leave it for another three minutes then turn the heat off and leave it for 10 minutes. (This makes a soft smooth pudding. If you want a bubbly pudding heat it for 22 minutes then leave it for ten minutes.)
6. Make the caramel sauce. Add 60g of white sugar and 30ml of water to a heat-resistant bowl. Heat in the microwave until it’s just about the caramel color you want it. (We put it in for five minutes and thirty seconds at 600w)
7. Add 45ml of boiling water. It will spatter so please put a lid on it.
8. Cool the pudding, or have it warm — it tastes nice either way. Pour the caramel mixture on top. Then do as you please; We recommend sprinkling granulated sugar on the top then toasting it with a burner.


2.耐熱容器に牛乳 500ml、砂糖 75gを入れ、電子レンジで加熱後、かき混ぜ砂糖を溶かす。我が家の電子レンジでは、ミルク用 50度の設定で加熱しました。
3.卵 5個を泡立てないように溶きほぐし、2を加えて混ぜる。
5.4をごく弱火にかける。→コトコトと小さな音がしてきたら(火にかけてからおよそ11分30秒後)ここから3分加熱。→火を止め、このまま10分置く。→再び、弱火で加熱。→コトコトと小さな音がしてきたら(再び火にかけてから およそ1分30秒後)ここから3分加熱。→火を止め、このまま10分置く。(全体的にやわやわな なめらかプリン
6.カラメルソースを作る。大きめの耐熱容器に白砂糖 60g、水 30mlを入れ電子レンジで好みのカラメル色になる一歩手前まで加熱する。(我が家の電子レンジ 600wで5分30秒でした)
7.6に熱湯 45mlを入れる。ハネるのでフタをしてください。

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