Hello! Not a special video but I hope you like it! If you enjoyed it please give it a LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and HIT THE BELL NOTIFICATION BUTTON!!! ********************************************** I post videos twice a week NO PRIVATE MESSAGES. JUST COMMENTS. ********************************************** If you want to donate to help me improve my equipment (not necessary, but appreciated): […]
This is a re-upload of an older video. The original video stopped playing on mobile devices (please YouTube fix the problem … this is happening again and again since more than half a year). This re-upload should fix any problems. Hey Tinglers, Today I’ll do a unboxing video! A while back I saw the “Lego […]
CHECK OUT MY INSTAGRAM AND SNAPCHAT @asmrtingles74 In this video I give you guys a brief update and fun story time! Check out these guys instagram’s too! @mkaris10 @tyler.berk @jkaris10 @colin1005 @jboy521
AAAAHHHHH MAINTENANT QUE CETTE VIDEO EST FINIE J’AI ENVIE DE HURLEEERRRRRR !!! ABONNE-TOI VITE A MA CHAINE BON SANG !!!! http://www.youtube.com/damdamlive Retour de l’ASMR, avec littéralement le baptème de feu de Black Falcon qui ne savait même pas ce que c’était 5 minutes avant ! Comme d’habitude avec mes ASMRs, les triggers sont à peu […]
Hello everyone! Today is a simple unboxing video I needed new headphones because my old ones stopped working, so I am showing you the ones I picked out! ~ Sennheiser HD 598 I really like these headphones. The sound quality is amazing. It almost feels like the sounds are happening right in the room […]
Видео на русском языке. Привет, ребята. Приглашаю вас распаковать вместе со мной новенькую GoPro камеру и всякие полезные штуковины для неё. И пока я в Исландии, расскажу вам очередную баечку про местные замашки и особенности. Осенью-зимой планирую переехать в другую страну, поэтому исландские басни сменятся другими и камера, я надеюсь, мне очень пригодится. А пока […]
Got the smartphone from here: Also sold on Amazon (5″ model): http://amzn.to/2tftyMB I received this phone from Gearbest and done an ASMR silent unboxing of it. This is going to be my new smartphone and after a few weeks of use I will post a full review on my blog: http://www.bestchineseknives.com/ First impressions – this […]
Vídeo de ASMR em Português, fazendo unboxing do meu microfone binaural. Utilizei sussurros durante todo o vídeo, e explorei cada som relaxante que pude! Sempre com o objetivo de relaxar e fazer você sentir soninho. Espero muito que goste! Não esqueça de clicar em “gostei”, comentar, se inscrever no canal e me acompanhar nas redes […]
An ASMR unboxing of some of my childhood memories with my gf! Instagram: ; Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4794562 Disclaimer: *** This video is created for relaxation, entertainment and ASMR/tingles/chills inducing purposes only. For more information about ASMR phenomenon please click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomo… This video cannot replace any medication or professional treatment. If you have sleep/anxiety/psychological troubles please […]
Link para o sorteio: NAMASTÊ & BONS SONHOS ♥ Hoje eu trouxe um ASMR unboxing mais que especial, cheio de triggers para relaxar, dormir e dar sono. Você vai encontrar sons relaxantes como: soft spoken, whispers, tapping, scratching, plastic sounds, bubble wrap (plástico bolha), reading, glass sounds (sons de vidro), amor, carinho e muito mais […]
Este video fue hecho para relajarte, se recomienda usar audífonos para toda la experiencia binaural. ¡Hola Chicos! Les traigo un unboxing muy especial! Por fin puedo mostrarles mis cartas de tarot favoritas. Este tarot es muy especial para mi y tiene unas ilustraciones simplemente maravillosas. En este video les voy a mostrar la caja en […]