Seminar65 Seminar

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ASMR Labyrinth Retreat: Day 1- The Lost Day

This is first day of your Labyrinth Retreat…or is it? It looks like you may have met one of the Junk Ladies, who wiped away your memories of the past 24 hours. Don’t worry, your guide is here to help! For the next 6 days I’ll be posting a new Labyrinth Retreat video. Each will […]

ASMR Magical Blooms Workshop (Wicked Wisdom Day#4)

Today you’ll be attending Mother Gothel’s Magical Blooms Workshop to learn about some of her favorite enchanted flowers and herbs. Special note: I am a bit behind with the Wicked Wisdom Convention uploads, but I will be catching up in the next day or two. I had a short hospital stay, but am much better […]

ASMR Muggle Studies Workshop RP (Hogsmeade Holiday # 7)

Welcome to the Muggle Studies Seminar, where you’ll be getting a glimpse at what topics are covered during a traditional Muggle Studies class here at Hogwarts. Want to become a WiB patron? Are you ready for a magical, Harry Potter inspired holiday in Hogsmeade and surrounding areas (including Diagon Alley, Hogwarts, and the Burrow)? The […]

ASMR Queen of Hearts Cooking Class (Wicked Wisdom Day#5)

The Queen of Hearts gives you some pointers on how to prepare her favorite dishes, including sweet treats and savory delights. Special note: I am a bit behind with the Wicked Wisdom Convention uploads, but I will be catching up in the next day or two. I had a short hospital stay, but am much […]

ASMR Soft Speaking – Speed Technique From GIT Seminar

Now that my old guitar music is organized in a binder of plastic sheet protectors, I flip through the book and discuss the section on Speed Techniques for guitar. Big thanks to Vic Trigger (who sadly passed away in ’96) and Guitar Institute of Technology for putting on the seminars, including the one I attended […]

ASMR Therapist Appointment RP

Welcome to your first therapy appointment with Dr. Bloom. Today, I’ll try and help you to reduce your stress and get some much needed sleep. Please note: I am not a medical professional and this is not intended to take the place of actual therapy sessions. Photo courtesy of “Psychiatrist Examining A Male Patient” […]