외로운 그녀 뜨거운 옆집 남자 (야함주의) Roleplay Boyfriend Korean asmr남자[한국어 ASMR]몬스타 스밍채널: 유튜브 검색: 몬스타asmr 실시간 스밍: 저녁 10시부터 진행해요~ 영상채널: 유튜브 검색: ASMR몬스타 ASMR몬스타, 몬스타asmr 구독and좋아요 해주세요~♥ kakao오픈톡: 실시간 스밍 또는 영상 올릴때 공지 해드려요~ 몬스타 후원하는 방법 문의 또는 스밍사연신청 chlqudtn54251012@gmail.com 썸네일, 이미지, 인트로 해주시면 사랑할꺼에요~♥ Subscribe & More Videos: Thank for watching, […]
This is an asmr boyfriend roleplay, in which we had a car accident after being hit by a drunk driver!! As we were going to a concert. And once I woke up after being unconscious from being thrown threw the window of the car we were in, I drag you out of our car that […]
그반날 ASMR 후원 플랫폼이 생겼습니다. 보내주신 소중한 후원들이 그반날이 더욱 열심히 영상을 만들 수 있는 힘이 됩니다. 영상이 마음에 드셨다면 (좋아요), (구독하기) 꾸욱 눌러주세요!!! 유튜브 공유기능으로 영상을 퍼가시는건 언제든지 대환영~♥ 그반날 과 소통! KAKAO : rmqksskf (그반날) 그반날 팬카페 주소 ▼ http://cafe.naver.com/gbnasmr
In this video I show my girlfriend, who knows nothing about video games, the game, “No Man’s Sky.” We talk about the game a little bit and then I give her a few “which character would you be,” quizzes in an attempt to relax/entertain. The Quizzes if you want to try Over the Garden Wall […]
How could you?…. I loved you…. This is my first try at a serious audio… Silly audios coming VERY soon! Follow me on twitter: And you can also join my discord: https://discord.gg/GsXp8fT -Video Upload powered by https://www.TunesToTube.com
Hi love! Tonight I’ll be taking good care of you ASMR Boyfriend Tucks You In with Kisses, Close Up Ear Eating, Mouth Sounds, Compliments, Whisper/inaudible whisper, Countdown in Polish, Hand Movement and more! Stalk me on instagram: ahsnightmare