asmr arabic478 Videos

ASMR – Arabian Barber Role Play (Eng Subtitles)

Since you have enjoyed your first haircut, you came back to trim your beard. Another visit where you can enjoy more of Alaa2’s personal attention, more razor sounds (sound fixed), mic brushing, gel noise, bottle shaking. Turn on CC for English subtitles! (Click on “Show more”) Videostamp: (1:00) Towel mic brushing (5:20) to (7:20) – […]
ASMR – Other Arabic ASMR Channels | قناوات اي اس ام ار اخرى

ASMR – Other Arabic ASMR Channels | قناوات اي اس ام ار اخرى

في هذا الفيديو ال اي اس ام ار أذكر العديد من القنوات ال اي اس ام ار العربية الأخرى In this Arabic ASMR video, I mention many other Arabic ASMR channels. Also discussing some of them ??أحب أن أسمع منك: اترك لي تعليق I love hearing from you: comment below!! ?? !!!لا تنسو الضغط على […]

ASMR ? Sweet Chilli Hummus Carrot Mouth Sounds

My quick fix snack between videos. Subscribe because sweet chilli 🙂 “Hummus” comes from the Arabic word meaning “chickpeas”, and the complete name of the prepared spread in Arabic is ḥummuṣ bi ṭaḥīna which means “chickpeas with tahini”. Spelling of the word in English can be inconsistent. “Hummus” is the most common spelling in both […]