ASMRoleplay: A ‘Pretty in Pink’ Afternoon at the Lingerie and Tire Emporium

(Edit: Okay, I tried my best to fix the quality (lighting and crispness) with YouTube’s editor, and this is the best I can get it. My apologies–I just got a new camcorder (Canon Vixia), and I’m still learning all of its features and how to use it.) Hello, everyone! This is a…well, I don’t even know what to say about this one, lol. It was unplanned. I shot it all in one take, except when I changed bras, and it just got a little crazy with cucumbers, chinchillas, and questionable ‘Tickle Me Elmo’ dolls. Yep. Fully prepared for the heavy thumbs down on this crazy sucker. Anyway, as always, thanks for watching and best with headphones.
Next scheduled video: Date Night Cooking Lesson Roleplay with Miss M

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