ASMR Yiddish Storytime + Hand Movements – phrases, alphabet

This week I did not do much planning as to what I was going to upload. So, here is another language video as I have only done 1 video before in Yiddish. Many of you have been asking where and why I learned this language. And no, I’m not Jewish! Maybe a little Jew(Ish), though.

My first video in Yiddish:
Brushing & whispering you to sleep

There are time stamps below as the video is lengthier than expected. I hope this provides you with some tingles from the cue cards, or relaxes you, and makes you laugh a bit.

0:00 – Intro
4:00 – Where I learned Yiddish + hand movements
14:20 – The Alef-Beys
30:30 – Phrases (At the Gynecologist)

Channel introduction courtesy of Bandstand:

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