I hope you all enjoy the face sculpting, face touching, personal attention, and hand movements! This is my take on an ASMR version of the face sculptor from the Thieves Guild in Skyrim
Twitter: @AmyKayASMR
Instagram: AmyKayASMR
TikTok: AmyKayASMR
Become a Patron to help fund all my props and costumes!
Thank you to all my Patrons!!
Curious Bowser, Aetheros C., Alas K., Alex A., Alexander B., Alexandre B., Anton B., Apollo, Aria N., Ascune, Austen P., Badass Dino, Bear, BraveVesperia, Brendan M, BsmSmo04, Cassandra, Dana H., Daniel L., Darin R., David M., Dense Mass, Dz.Crasher, Eli I., Emanuel, Erik, Esgaroth, F, Fabian W., Fabio D., Garage, Hadley M., Hawkeye P., Hollow, Jack B., Jacob C., Jacquelyn W., JBR231, JK, Joel Y., John G., John Gr., Jornations, Lieutenant Walrus, Lizzon, Lock, McDergan, Miguel G., Mika K., Mingy, Mr. Pendulum, Nikita S., Not Brandon, Owen L., Paddy W., Patrick H., Richie C., Rick G., Rob of Wonder, Sarah B., Skyler N., Sophia K., SteadiestRhyme, Sulky, TheRagingSkwrl, Vector Knight, Viktor M., Will C., Will P., Yoriz
Aaron A., Adam B., AL UK, Alex B., Alexander A., Andre C., Andre159, Andrew L., Antikrass, Bao H., Bearded Audio ASMR, Bradley S., Buzzn Frogg, Catherine C., Cesar, Charles B., Christian N., Colleen B., David E., David L., Deendra L., Elad A., Elias G., Finnegan M., Frank D., Geoffrey S., Gustaf, Hannah, Inzayn, Javier, Jay J., Jess, John G., Just Call Me AJ, Just Jack, Justin M., jwp, Kavisánszki I., Kevin S., KJ, Lima M., Lucas L., Malia J., Mare B., Matthew W., Max A., Mediocrity, Mendrael, MisterOOPs, Mortemister, Nadir, Nicolas, Nubia J., P, Paul R., Pix, Rafal K., Ripxdoc, Roundone9, RunnyMonkey, Saida, Sam B., Sam T., Saskia, Scott M., Sommite, Sterling F., Steven S., Stryk R., SuprisedPika, Tobias S., Yamil T., Yeethaw