[ASMR] Mail Time #1 – Soap, Puzzles, Gear, Pokemon!

Hello everyone and welcome to ~Mail Time~!!!

This is a new series in which I will be showing you stuff that small business, viewers, and other content creators send to lil’ ol’ Gibi. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

A big, gigantic, massive thank you to everyone who sent me things! Here is their info!

Percylove Cosplay


Can You Solve Me
(They sent me a level 2 puzzle and it was actually really hard lol!!)

MaeBen Homemade Soaps

Matty (AKA Matty Tingles!)
(Twitter & Insta @MattyTingles)
Matty Music: https://www.youtube.com/user/Matty3

Again thank you guys so much!!! Sleep well, and see you VERY soon with a new video.
Maybe tomorrow.
If I can swing it.
We shall see.
Send gud vibes.

Art Credit to my Twitter pal @IBGNCHaMa for my end screen!
(Seeking Therapy or Counseling? Try online.)
Side note, I find that I get a lot of comments and messages about using ASMR for anxiety, depression, and more. I can totally relate with that, and ASMR is an awesome outlet for those things. However, if you’re interested, here is a link to a website with real, professional & licensed counselors. You can type to them, or call them! It’s actually a really cool service and I use it personally. It costs as low as $35 a week, and you don’t have to leave your house to use it. 🙂

Here you go!: http://www.tryonlinetherapy.com/gibiasmr/

I also donate regularly to The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. I highly recommend it! They give grants to scientists who do studies to better understand and treat mental illnesses.

The last ASMR video to help me sleep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuA8Qvt6adM&t=82s

Find me on the internet!
BUSINESS INQUIRIES: gbcosplay@gmail.com
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/gibiasmr
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/GibiOfficial
FACEBOOK: https://www.fb.me/gibiasmr
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/GibiOfficial (I use this the most)
BUY STICKERS *NEW*: http://gibi.bigcartel.com/

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