HAPPY PRIDE!!! Definitely OPEN this description box, it would mean a lot to me!
Thank you so so so much to all of the community members that helped contribute to this series. It honestly was way too long of a time coming, but I’m just glad that this year we did it.
9:34 Skip to Video
Hi everybody!! This is part of my 6-video pride series, so please feel free to watch whichever one(s) you’d like! 100% of the funds I make from these three videos will be donated to:
The Trevor Project https://bit.ly/3yfU7Dv
Athlete Ally https://www.athleteally.org/
Marsha P Johnson Institute https://marshap.org/
I’m also making a personal donation to:
Miss Major Griffin-Gracy https://fundly.com/missmajor
And a link to a documentary about her life and campaigns: https://www.missmajorfilm.com/
Why does Pride Matter?
Why Pride Matters: 10 Ways To Show You Love The LGBTQ Community
If you follow my socials closely (maybe too closely) I’ve spoken at length about my sexuality and experience, “out” to anyone who’s asked, but I realized that while I thought I didn’t have anything to bring to the table, my experience didn’t REALLY matter, etc… that just isn’t true. I am very proudly pansexual/bisexual, and while I don’t have a good label for my gender, I’m still working on that! (Clarifying on my pronouns after some questions, she/her is what I’m used to and comfy with! When I say she/her/any pronouns, it’s because I haven’t gotten to the point where I’m 100% sure about everything! For me personally, there have been times where I felt very “they” or very “he”, times when I’ve felt nothing at all (most common lol). I didn’t make this series to talk about myself tho so that’s why I don’t have the best…explanations for what goes on in my head. Sorry if that’s confusing!)
If you don’t know what pansexual or bisexual means, you’re not alone! Even people in the bisexual and pansexual communities disagree with some of the semantics, which is why I identify as both.
All I can say is that, to me, it means that my partners and attractions are not limited to a certain number of genders which is why I identified as “pansexual” first, pan meaning “all”, felt good to me, especially as someone who is still “????” about trying to label “gender” for myself at all. No labels feels perfect, but isn’t often what helps explain to people, sorry I’m doing a terrible job LOL
Does being pan/bi mean I’m attracted to EVERYONE? No! I’m actually quite picky when it comes to attraction ? It’s impossible to put myself on any scale!
(If any bisexual or pansexual friends would like to put their own definition in the comments, please do!!)
Something I saw online that resonated with me:
Trans Men don’t owe you masculinity
Trans Women don’t owe you femininity
Nonbinary people don’t owe you androgyny
(an important tweet https://bit.ly/3hoRLuZ)
I certainly am overgeneralizing in this series, playing up physical stereotypes of masculinity, femininity, and androgyny to elicit a particular experience — but women might not want to present femininely, men masculinely, nonbinary androgynously, etc.
Women don’t necessarily always use she/her, men don’t necessarily always use he/him, and nonbinary people don’t always use they/them. Pronouns don’t necessarily equal gender, nor have to align with any “rules” of sexual orientation.
Important: I am not professionally licensed or qualified to speak on or about mental health, nor am I professionally trained or educated. I very much care that you have access to proper resources that I cannot personally provide!
Trans Lifeline US: 877-565-8860
Trans Lifeline Canada: 877-330-6366
LGBTQ+ crisis hotlines: https://www.ostem.org/crisis-hotlines
More about bi+ http://www.bisexualorganizingproject.org/whats-up/bi-pan-and-the-insufficiency-of-prefixes
Info on safe binding! http://point5cc.com/binding-101-tips-to-bind-your-chest-safely/
Info for LGBT+ Elders: https://www.sageusa.org/
Awesome app to practice using some different pronouns with! https://www.minus18.org.au/pronouns-app
If you live in America, here is a good way to track any anti-trans bills to contact your reps about/stand against: https://freedomforallamericans.org/legislative-tracker/anti-transgender-legislation/
I also want to point out and appreciate all the work people put into growing Pride into such a large and supportive event, especially Black trans women. There’s so much to learn about the history of Pride, and even more to learn about each community that’s represented there.
A documentary (one of many!) about Stonewall and the history of Pride itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjRv7dJTync
A ton of the products and clothes used in this series are from queer-run or queer-owned small businesses!