I’ve had a lot of requests to make another video using the Skwooshi stuff that I put on your ears a while back, so I decided to do another ear cleaning with it This time I used an LED ear pick and tried to do more of the scratching and tapping on your ears, that a lot of you seemed to enjoy. I also included some hair mousse fizzing sounds on the fluffy windshields and a little bit of brushing with the mascara wands. I hope you will enjoy this scratchy sounds-only video and I shall see you again soon, with a more traditional ASMR video
Thank you for watching as always and have a good week
Time stamps;
Start – 03:07 – Fishnet glove fabric scratching sounds and ear touching
03:08 – 07:52 – Plastic case tapping and scratching
07:53 – 09:56 – Skwooshi sand scratching and squishing
09:57 – 18:41 – Sand on your ears, close up ear tapping and scratching sounds
18:42 – 19:55 – Tweezing sand off of your ears
19:56 – 23:03 – LED ear pick on your left ear, scraping/picking sounds
23:04 – 26:39 – LED ear pick on your right ear, scraping/picking sounds
26:40 – 29:32 – Metal ear pick on your left ear
29:33 – 33:08 – Metal ear pick on your right ear
33:09 – 36:46 – Cleaning your ears with cotton pads
36:47 – 39:46 – Gently brushing your ears with fluffy windshields
39:47 – 40:49 – Brushing fluffy windshields on your ears with fingers
40:50 – 45:21 – Brushing windshields with mascara wands
45:22 – 47:08 – Hair mousse bottle scratching, tapping and lid capping sounds
47:09 – 54:28 – Hair mousse fizzing on windshields, with a little touching and some glove scratching sounds
54:29 – End – Just hair mousse fizzing sounds and lava lamp visuals
Nails – White nail polish on nail tips, with Rimmel French Ivory over the top