Hellooo everyone!
This is my first video since hitting 100K subscribers – WOW, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! So I wanted to do something different to celebrate and since many of you enjoyed my ear peeling video before, I thought it would be different to stick lots of sparkly gems to your ears and tap/scratch on them, before peeling them off and making a mess
What is a celebration, without some sparkles?
A lot of you have been requesting more tapping videos, so I included lots of tapping in this one and I also tried out some lens brushing with some feathers to try to add a more visual element Oh, we also have another lava lamp in the background!
Also, the 3Dio is having some problems, so the audio may be a little strange in parts of this video (sorry), but a new and better version of this mic should be on its way soon. I will be making a proper whispered thank you video in a week or so and I have a present for you guys, which I am excited to show you. Thank you so much for being so wonderful to me, I really do have the best Youtube friends ever and I hope you will enjoy some of the sounds in this video xxx
Time stamps:
00:01 – 02:17 – Plastic crinkling
02:18 – 04:14 – Glass candle scratching and tapping
04:15 – 06:27 – Cardboard tapping and scratching
06:28 – 08:19 – Rustling matches & lighting one
08:20 – 09:39 – Burning a sparkling candle ear to ear
09:40 – 12:43 – Applying glue and gemstones to your ears
12:44 – 16:46 – Tapping and scratching the gems on your ears
16:47 – 21:30 – Brushing and scratching your ears with Japanese fluffy ear pick
21:31 – 23:46 – Brushing gems/ears with stiff bristle brush
23:47 – 29:08 – Lens and ear brushing with two feathers
29:09 – 37:35 – Vinyl plastic sheet tapping and scratching, all around your head
37:36 – 42:30 – Sticky sounds around your ears
42:31 – 45:35 – Shining an LED light on your sparkly ears and tapping and scratching on metal parts of the 3Dio
45:36 – 49:10 – More tapping, scratching and massaging on your embellished ears
49:11 – 52:51 – Peeling gems and glue off of your ears with my fingers and tweezers
52:52 – 55:19 – Gentle ear massage
55:20 – End – Gentle ear massaging, feather lens brushing and delicate feather sounds
Nail polish – Moonbeam by W7