Hello everyone! This ASMR video features you being buried by an obscene amount of packing peanuts, and then unburied you at the end. The sounds created sounded really cool to me, so I channeled my inner aspiring Foley Artist, and layered them and created a peanut soundscape, and IMHO, it sounds like a rainstick, snow, rain, glass clinking, ice cubes, wooden blocks, and tin. The layered sounds start after the first 4 mins. I apologize for the length and lack of video but I was sick this week and in a lot of pain for some of the week, so I did what I was told (rare for me, hahaha), and I rested…mostly. I hope you like this though, and I hope it triggers you like crazy. Happy Viewing!
PS. The peanuts were from MY PROPS that finally came!
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Microphone I used in this video: Free Space Pro II – Binaural Microphone
Free Space Pro II Binaural Microphone
You’ll find me at PixelWhipt soon!