ASMaRgaritte: Bra Modelling from

Hello, everyone! This is a bra modelling video in which I model two bras from and use my regular speaking voice (I was trying to speak softly, but it may be a bit more towards a normal volume).
The two bras I am wearing are the Daily Push Up Bandeau Bra Microfiber Fuchsia () and the Sexy Plunge Bra Microfiber Rhinestone Green ( Hope you enjoy and thank you for watching! 🙂 I will also have pics of me in these posted on my Instagram very soon. (Edit:Sorry, guys–I think I had the mic too far away. I’m still learning, please have mercy. 😀

Follow me on Twitter for updates and Instagram for pics. Links on my YouTube home page.

Patreon and PayPal donations are majorly appreciated! I have an external mic now but would love to get a 3dio one. Thank you in advance for any donations! You guys rock! ??
(Also, the Live Event Pajama Party has been postponed as my webcam is still not here. 🙁 Very sorry! Will keep you up to date on Twitter and Instagram).

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