VLOG HONGYU) Korean Home Made Food Recipe l 홍유 집밥 브이로그 ? 통삼겹 굴보쌈, 김장김치, 잔치국수, 꼬막무침 l MUKBANG RECIPE

??Today I prepared a V-log with the cooking videos that I recorded before I hurt my hand to celebrate 7million subscribers!
Always thank you and love you all Hongsi for staying together with me for 7million??

??오늘은 손이 다치기전에 찍은 요리영상들을 모아서
700만 기념 브이로그를 준비했어요!
700만까지 함께해준 홍시님들 항상 감사하고 사랑해요??

?Hongsi, 홍시, ホンシ
nickname for my subscribers
nama panggilan untuk subscriber-subscriberku
tên của những người yêu thích mình
ฮงซี่: ชื่อเล่นของผู้ติดตามของฉันค่ะ
شكرا علي مشاهدة الفيديو لليوم ( كنية مشتركي )

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