{{ASMR}} Sleepytime Positive Affirmations Meditation

The self-esteem relaxation affirmations:

I am at peace with myself.

I appreciate who I am.

I value myself as a person.

All people have value, and I am a valuable human being.

I deserve to relax.

I deserve to be happy.

I embrace my happy feelings, and enjoy being content.

I imagine and believe that all of these affirmations are true for me, right now in this moment, and enjoy the self-esteem relaxation I am experiencing.

When my mood is low, I accept my emotions and recognize that the low mood will pass, and I will be happy again. I look forward to the good times.

My future is bright and positive.

I look forward to the future, and I enjoy the present.

I look fondly upon many memories from my past.

I forgive myself for my mistakes. All people make mistakes. I used to feel regret about some of my mistakes because I am a good person and want to do the best that I can, and now, I am still a good person and I release the feelings of regret because I have learned and moved on. I forgive myself for errors I have made, because I have felt bad about them long enough. I have suffered enough, and now it is time to be free. By freeing myself from past mistakes, I can move on and do good things. I forgive myself.

I imagine and believe that all of these affirmations are true for me, right now in this moment, and enjoy the self-esteem relaxation I am experiencing.

I feel good about who I am today.

I accept the person that I am. I accept my flaws, and accept my strengths.

I view my shortcomings as strengths not yet developed, rather than as weaknesses.

I eagerly develop new strengths.

I imagine and believe that all of these affirmations are true for me, right now in this moment, and enjoy the self-esteem relaxation I am experiencing.

I approach challenges with strength.

I do the best that I can at the time. I give 100% effort when I am able and when I choose to put full effort toward the things that are important. I accept my imperfections and the imperfections in what I do. My efforts are good enough, and they’re okay.

I do not have to be perfect to be okay as a person.

I am a human being with flaws. I enjoy being who I am, and love myself as I am.

I nurture the child within me.

I feel secure in who I am, and do not need to compare myself to others.

All of the strengths I have ever had are present in me today. I still have the same positive character, even if not all of my strengths are shown right now. I have all of those strengths of character, and will use those strengths again.

I imagine and believe that all of these affirmations are true for me, right now in this moment, and enjoy the self-esteem relaxation I am experiencing.

I accept myself.

I care for myself.

I take time for myself, and enjoy it. I deserve time for myself, and I feel good about taking this time regularly.

I handle difficulties with grace.

I allow myself to experience and express emotions, both negative and positive.

I accept myself.

I am perfectly alright just the way I am.

I accept myself.

I am a valuable human being.

I accept myself.

I feel confident.

I accept myself.

I feel secure.

I accept myself.

I accept myself.

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