?안녕하세요! 오늘은 반짝 반짝 빛나는 은하계 행성 젤리들을 직접 만들어봤어요???
보라색, 청보라색, 투명색, 붉은 오렌지색 등 화려한 동글젤리 모음 특집이에요
거기에 은하수 느낌을 표현한 젤리국수와 갤럭시 캔디, 별사탕, 반짝이 별가루 등도 준비했으니 재미있게 봐주세요?
?Hello! Today, I made my own sparkling galaxy planet jelly.
Purple, blue, clear, red, etc. It’s a special feature of a colorful round jelly collection.
I also prepared jelly noodles, Galaxy candy, star candy, and glitter star powder to express the feeling of the Milky Way, so please enjoy the asmr mukbang show!!
?Help others by translating the English caption of this video into your own language
✨홍시, Hongsi, ホンシ
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ฮงซี่: ชื่อเล่นของผู้ติดตามของฉันค่ะ
شكرا علي مشاهدة الفيديو لليوم ( كنية مشتركي )