Tester Video for New Role Play Character: Mar Mar

[Edit:You all are so wonderful with your honest feedback! 🙂 In this video, I was just testing the accent, so I did this in a regular speaking voice. In future videos, the voice would be slower and softly spoken or whispered. ??] Hello, everyone! This is just a brief tester of a new roleplay character I’m trying out, Mar Mar. She’s a Southern hair stylist. I shot over half an hour of me rambling, but just uploaded a few snippets to test her out. Let me know what you think–if you want to see more of her, or if you’d like her better in a whisper voice, or if my Southern accent is so horrific I should never attempt it again. 😀 *This is not replacing Miss M!* I will still be doing Miss M roleplays–I’m just trying out a few different ones to have for variety now and then. 🙂

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